Havaqatiqarumavit uahaaqhimayumik, imaaluuniit imiqpallaaqhimayumik?
Aujamili alianaqhivaktuq qajaqturiami, amihut inuit imarmiittut tukiqaqhunilu hivuuranaqtuqtauq.
Titirauyat tapkunanga 12 ilihaqtut tahamanga Kivalliqmiunit takukhautitauyut talvani 2019 Quayimagiaqaqtugut/Ujjiqsuqta tatqiqhiut.
The Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Commission will be passing out taxi coupons in Iqaluit, Rankin Inlet and Cambridge Bay during the holiday. Look for these at licensed establishments, special events and RCMP check stops.
Let’s be Aware is inviting youth in the Kivalliq region to join the conversation on the responsible use of alcohol.
On March 12th, Toota Tatty (Government of Nunavut) and Jenny Scott (Context Research Ltd.) travelled to Gjoa Haven to conduct training sessions, raise awareness and promote the Let’s Be Aware/Ujjiqsuqta Campaign.
Read the full article in the Nunavut News.
Read the full article in the Nunavut News.
Read the full article on CBC News North.